Post by
loonietunes on Jun 15, 2021 8:54am
News out this morning -ETG
Comment by
molsonca on Jun 15, 2021 12:25pm
This has huge implications for Sand. and may also be why they looking at starting to pay a dividend by end of year. It will be interesting if they hold this as a stream or buy the company outright considering they already own over 20% of them. Either way it shows huge increases in the not so distant future.
Comment by
lumpy13 on Jun 15, 2021 8:42pm
Highly doubt they'll make a run for ETG, given all the abuse they've taken for having a direct 30% interest in Hod Maden. And OR was 'rewarded' for spinning out their gold mining co. Also, not sure why ETG, still years away from production, would impact SAND's willingness to pay a dividend.
Comment by
fruitvale3067 on Jun 16, 2021 9:06am
Lumpy, unless I mis-unnderstood the news release it looks like they are going to be mining on Entree's JV property in 2022. Which means it looks like things have been moved forward. If true thats additional revenue just from the stream not yet included in Sandstorms revenue estimates. We'll have to watch and see what occurs however interesting times indeed.
Comment by
molsonca on Jun 16, 2021 1:42pm
You may be very well correct in saying its doubtful they will buyout ETG. But anytime someone owns over 20% of a company that question has to be asked. Also unless I read it wrong, I believe this news release stated that ETG will be in production starting in 2022 which is NOT years away. In fact it happens to be the same year Nolan stated he wants a dividend implemented.