Post by
lumpy13 on May 26, 2022 3:48pm
Sandbox Royalties
I don't get it. SAND and Equinix contribute royalties and only get 64% of the shares. What is Sandbox contributing? They get 36% of the shares for assuming a 10 year $32.9m convertible note. Which means they have no real upfront risk and SAND will only be repaid if Sandbox does well, which sort of says SAND has more trust in Sandbox in unlocking value instead of its own management.
Comment by
schocor on May 28, 2022 7:32pm
equinox is contributing royalties in addition to sandstorm. my view is that the assets sandstorm and equinox contribute are adding ZERO value to each company curently; spinning them out shoukd create value fir each company. do you not agree?