Post by
Ogopogo007 on Mar 23, 2021 10:30pm
I wonder if Chromass was the Dumbass......
that screwed up the STGO mill ?
There used to be a poster here...and then over at CEO that claimed she was a mining engineer but 'sang the Co song"
Massive dilution that I voted against....she loved it. Too stupid to realize how that would affect future SP.
Was a massive waste of time to see her posts...let along read their drivel...had to put them on IGNORE
But starting to make sense now...the reason she loved the dilution was $$$ coming in to pay her engineering fees/salary that resulted in screwing up the crushing circuit...costing STGO shareholders a whack of coin. What a loser.
If she wasn't the mining engineer that screwed up the original design, one would think she might of been able to see the problem and avoid over paying for shares, second time looser
The fact she overpaid for shares makes her a 3 time loooser
makes sense, another insider sucking the mngmnt teat and posting drivel here