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Diligent2 on May 18, 2021 8:34am
With both Buffet and Saudi exiting suncor this past quarter we see why this stock never made 30. The recent eia productivity report stated thet ducs were down 230 for the month. They are below 6000 now. We know some are unusable and at this rate they will be gone in 2 years at most. Oil is going higher especially with eia saying we will not need anymore exploration. What a joke! how do these guys get hired. The roads are busy , golf courses overbooked and now flights are about to take off. 45 by july 22.
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liljohnnyjoke on May 18, 2021 9:01am
good to see that those who don't want it are finished hitting the market sell button and those who do want it can start pushing upward and there should be a significant divy increase in Q2 since management rewarded themselves and not investors in Q1