Post by
thegreattimario on Jun 17, 2022 10:40am
Buy on tsx today and sell on monday when us markets closed.
Should be a quick swing trade as the us market always sucks a day after a holiday and causes the tsx to crash.. long term cnq and suncor will be great hold as both will be debt free even if oil retreats to the 80 range which could happen come year end. The lack of oil invest over the last 5 years is gonna keep oil high for many years to come even in a recession. People sat at home for two years so even with high gas prices people are still travelling. They are just spending less on tim hortons and useless electronics. Nice dip this week to get in for some, cnq is down $19 a share from their high.
Comment by
Wynjoe on Jun 17, 2022 10:56am
I'm buying a thousand shares at average of $45.00 just to sell next week above $50.00. $5000.00 for a bit of pocket change.Come on with it!!!Lol all the way to the bank!!!
Comment by
thegreattimario on Jun 17, 2022 11:04am
Not sure who would sell at this price. Energy companies are gonne be the only ones making money in this environment. This next recession won't be like most because people have been couped up for to long and will put of purchases of other things just they can keep travelling and visiting friends and family. Right now the market is getting it completely wrong. But nice morning dip so i will add.
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jx7000 on Jun 17, 2022 12:30pm
That's what has many people concerned now. The Lieberal/NDP cabal are contemplating seizing the profits.
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Chad123 on Jun 17, 2022 12:08pm
Good Luck! Guess you got filled. I just came back from shopping and was stunned to see WTI drop over $6. Put a bid in for $44. Will see if I get it.
Comment by
thegreattimario on Jun 20, 2022 10:44pm
So did anyone sell for a quick profit today? I did the americans always ruin the the party next day.
Comment by
firstworld on Jun 21, 2022 1:36am
Glad I dumped this at $51 on fear on inevitable Canadians windfall oil profits tax to support the UA Nazi regime and other Canadian welfare cases and deep corruption. Shocked Canada has not sent it's citizens to the UA front lines yet....pussies.