Post by
PabloLafortune on Jul 21, 2022 8:33pm
CVE vs Suncor
Looking at past 4 quarters up to q1 2022, one can see that Suncor generated 1.6x the cash-flow of CVE. However, CVE reduced the debt by $5B or a third and really have positioned themselves well for the future. Whereas Suncor only reduced the debt by $2.6B, spent $2.8B in buybacks and $1.8B in dividends ($700M and $210M for CVE). CVE sold assets, Suncor did not (announced but nothing yet...) Who today is better positioned for increasing shareholder returns, acquisitions, etc.. CVE. Even though Suncor is more profitable )( they produce a lot of Synthetic crude while CVE produced WCS big diff. In realization. Share price appreciation CVE wins hands down of course again despite suncor buybacks. So IMO a change in mgmt and BoD is warranted. Ymmv.