Post by
mrmomo on Jul 27, 2023 10:00am
Those damn BIRDS again......
This time those pesky, foul waterfowl critters ended up in someone else's backyard creating havoc and ended up being someone OTHER than Suncor's headache or problem. If this keeps up, it will give a totally new meaning to that old great classic, "One who flew over the Cuckoo's nest". The only real question remaining is, WHO are the ones that are truly going crazy, the Oil Sand operators or those damn birds? I'd say both .......but who am i to judge.....8(
More intriguing for me is the fact with millions of homeless & intinerant, transients, vagrants, hobos or whatever other word you use to describe them (and trust me when i tell you i have not much sympathy for them) across BC & Alberta, the WOKE crowd, which includes environmentalists, social justice warriors and all similar groups, along with the WOKE Canadian Gov't.....are VERY quick to react & point fingers to blame (and spend millions to rectify!) when a few waterfoul gets a little dirty by unfortunately landing in a NO-GO zone or being at the wonrg place at the wrong time. But when you have/see thousands of walking dead homeless human zombies roaming the streets of Canada pooping & peeping where they please, creating an even worse havoc than those pesky damn one bats an eye or jumps into action like a superhero as Superman/Batman would or even bother to spend a single dime to remedy the situation.
I guess we'll just have to add the Canadian Gov't & populace to "Those Who flew over the Cuckoo's nest" to that long list of names already the insane asylum. Maybe Trudope's new & improved cabinet will remedy the problem...........but i'm not betting the family farm or holding my breathe either that they will..............
Comment by
ztransforms173 on Jul 27, 2023 11:01am
- 12 birds were CONTAMINATED with crude oil and they were brought to a CLEANING CENTER to remove the oil on their body and they made a BIG STINK ABOUT IT - HUNDREDS of birds are KILLED EVERYDAY by WINDWILLS in Canada and NOBODY SAYS A PEEP z173
Comment by
jx7000 on Jul 27, 2023 11:30am
I have the perfect solution, and it's environmentally friendly. Let's build wind turbines in the vicinity of those effluent pools. That'll stop 'em. Maybe let some feral cats roam in the are because they kill even more birds every year. All the O&G operators will be totally blameless ;-)