Post by
Bakunin6 on Jan 28, 2021 9:22am
Rocket time
Rent? Possibly...more to the point is they're using the platform globally to research treatment of multiple chronic illnesses...This is going BIG and the costs are being picked up by intl.pharma self interest.
Ground floor opportunity.
Comment by
Bakunin6 on Jan 28, 2021 9:28am
Sva has been invited to the bar...table band...single girls... That's how I imagine it anyway...I know I'll be staying late at this one. Giddy up!
Comment by
Redbaron2211 on Jan 28, 2021 9:32am
Agree DF but I feel this is a step towards that. Multiple collaborations sounds to me like this is putting the pressure on. Doesn't take much to start a feeding frenzy once you know your not the only one looking at the prize.