Many don't realize that SZLS did a reverse split and is trading higher prior to the reverse split but also got more than one breakout since then!
When I was reading some past post from basher making fun about the actual shareprice, these basher don't even realize SZLS is one of the few company to have done the oposite of what the stats are for company who have done a reverse split. The shareprice prior to the reverse split was 9 cents and now it's at 0.16$ Pre-split (1.28$ actual price) so an increase of 77%.
SZLS started a weekly stage 2 after a reverse split was done. Now to these basher, I challenge you to find a stock that started a weekly stage 2 after doing a reverse split! You will see that it's not easy to even find one and yet we are here with SZLS who has done it!
Getting closer to D-Day :-)
Have a great Sunday!