Post by
StockscoutX on Apr 14, 2021 10:40am
Look a StageZero chart. It's all you need to know.
No matter how much pumping or bashing StageZero in this bullboard, seeing StageZero stock chart tells it all. Have fun investing or not. The stock market is always right.
Comment by
Mykndrsn on Apr 14, 2021 11:30am
So you sold. Why are you still here? The market has spoken not sure why you think you have something to say too.
Comment by
StockscoutX on Apr 14, 2021 1:03pm
Still have a position but not much. Does that answer your question why I am still posting? If circumstances at StageZero changes so will my position.
Comment by
Mykndrsn on Apr 14, 2021 1:06pm
The market is always right but sometimes changes it's mind? The logic of a loser.
Comment by
StockscoutX on Apr 14, 2021 3:19pm
You call a loser a trader that made a hefty profit before it fell and you call yourself a winner losing over 50% in SP drop because you stayed in? Is that your standard for being a winner? By all means, I encourage the readers to read your posts, maybe you could push the SP down by further pumping it according to your logic.
Comment by
Mykndrsn on Apr 14, 2021 3:55pm
So you're happy. You sold, the company sucks, the market was right yet here you are still with disparaging comments. Why? Ulterior motives?