Post by
capebretongirl on Jul 31, 2021 2:00pm
The Way Forward
Its been awhile since we had unexpected news here - like the signing of a major workplace employer, insurer or larger medical affiliate - we know Tripp is out there looking. HC does not have an exclusive stranglehold on Aristotle so the door is open. The takeover of HC will take awhile to play out revenue wise, covid revs will decline in the interim and cash on hand will be reduced unless we gain a sustained revenue stream - the hope in the interim is that this takeover will deliver on that front. Analysts have us forecasted higher and my hope is that the summer suppression of junior stocks will end and we will see an uptick on those stocks that deserve to be upticked - most of here believe this is one of them.
Comment by
Mykndrsn on Jul 31, 2021 3:16pm
You can be certain Care's revenues are substantialy greater than SZLS currently. Health care and oncology isn't cheap and it's not as if they just started up. Big bucks in SZLS coffers and it's already rolling in with the HP partnership which will become the merger mid-August.