Comment by
palinc2000 on Feb 10, 2022 7:30am
Comment by
scarlet1967 on Feb 10, 2022 8:39am
I have almost given up on that subject but yes low profile and sub standard communication as usual. The company arranged to meet up with few large shareholders to update only few handpicked investors re their operations what about the rest of the investors? I can go on and on and on.... Folks come to this board for any updates yet many here are also most often are speculating so please THTX....
Comment by
longterm56 on Feb 10, 2022 8:44am
So this is the experience of a THTX investor ... we are even disappointed even by the notification that fiscal results will be preleased in two weeks ... that's funny ... but true. Why am I still here? -LT
Comment by
jfm1330 on Feb 10, 2022 12:45pm
Imagine a potential investor coming here to know more about what other investors think of Thera and fall on whining about a PR to annouced quaterly results... If somebody did not understand that this company is not about silly stuff like that, what else can be said?... It will go up on real good results, or it will go down on bad results. Is it so hard to understand?
Comment by
Bucknelly21 on Feb 10, 2022 1:18pm
Is it so hard to grasp what we are taking about? We are saying build a freaking audience to on your best conference call when you ask if there are any question you don't get crickets.... why don't you get that is what we are talking about?
Comment by
scarlet1967 on Feb 10, 2022 1:24pm
"It will go up on real good results, or it will go down on bad results." well thanks for great financial advising now I know who to contact next time round when I decide to invest in a R&D company. Really appreciate your detailed analysis. As per the whining investors not long ago you were whining about the company's lack of transparency re the dose escalation.