Comment by
Trogarzon on May 04, 2023 9:13am
By incentive you mean $$$. .
Comment by
stephanedodier on May 04, 2023 9:59am
I am happy with this news but I was expecting another news.... on TH-1902 ! we are still in the first week of May... maybe tomorrow.
Comment by
SPCEO1 on May 04, 2023 9:41am
I am sure the THTX sales team is really happy to have this data in their pocket now. It is clearly good news for Trogarzo and the stock seems to be reflecting that in premarket trading inthe US - up 13%
Comment by
palinc2000 on May 04, 2023 9:57am
The elusive total sales of 100 million $ is coming soon and will do wonders to the Company s ability to stay alive and grow much beyond most expect
Comment by
LouisW on May 04, 2023 10:39pm
Your "simple at home" comment really interests me. Are you saying IM can be performed at home by themself? Patients no need to go to hospital?
Comment by
palinc2000 on May 05, 2023 11:20am
You have doubts about THTX being able to cummunicate effectively to doctors!!!!!!! Are you serious?
Comment by
Trogarzon on May 05, 2023 11:45am
That's why I think they need to sell the company to a deep pocket comany to improve sales of their producs. They have no money left after the debenture gets paid next month. Otherwise like our Chairwomen supposibly said Th1902 is the key to higher stockprice. No that's a hail mary in my book. Shure go ahead put the house on number 1902 and pray.
Comment by
scarlet1967 on May 05, 2023 12:01pm
External Comparison of Ibalizumab in Trials vs. Other Regimens in OPERA - Full Text View - The trial was conducted by a third party! "Sponsor: Epividian Collaborators: Theratechnologies FIECON Information provided by (Responsible Party): Epividian"
Comment by
jfm1330 on May 05, 2023 4:27pm
I don't agree with that, most drugs are approved based on studies sponsored by the owner of the drug, and results are not seen as biased. There are ethics rules involved and breeching them would equates to a fraud. I am sure Thera would not do that. We can complain about many things about them, but they are not in the Cytodyn category of small biopharma companies.
Comment by
SPCEO1 on May 05, 2023 12:33pm
Also, if THTX can use that study in its marketing of Trogarzo and it starts to be successful, you can be sure the competing products will be pointing to their sponsorship of the study to undermine its credibility.
Comment by
SPCEO1 on May 05, 2023 12:27pm
Thanks for that clarification as I had a brain freeze and thought IM was SC. Sorry that you are reminded of the difference every month but glad to see you posting here still. Hopefully, there will be more TH-1902 stuff to post about in the not too distant future and I am trusting your health remains stable or improving.
Comment by
Joemare on May 04, 2023 11:16am
I must say it's news. It's all about the penetration rate, 25% of that market within 12-18 months. Good news today.
Comment by
scarlet1967 on May 04, 2023 1:20pm
Heavily treated patients still have two or three different classes of antivirals to choose from if Trogarzo shows therapeutic benefits it makes a good contender.