Apart from the fundamental change (the utilization rate is currently ~83% and rising from 65% in Q1 2013), there is also the cash from HRT case which is in the Court. According to the latest contact I had with the company last week:
HRT - who walked away from contract in Q3 '12 and caused TID's price to drop in H2 2012, is by law/contract responsible for paying $5m per rig de-mobilizing cost... total $10m. TID has a legal opinion that carries a high degree of confidence they will be awarded this amount in aribitration by year end. This is only from rig de-mobilizing.
TID also expects to receive more money from HRT because HRT cluelessly terminated the two contracts in Q3 2012 in an unilateral way.
TID has a high degree of confidence they will also be awarded the $20m in loss contract revenue from the HRT deal in Brazil.
In total, there is anywhere from $ 20 million to $40 million in potential cash TID will receive by the end of 2013.