Post by
nofluff on Mar 29, 2021 6:57pm
is a cad corp with coal mines in se bc. They have been an envitonmental river nitemare for decades. The waters flow through the u.s.
It apears that they have done almost nothing to clean things up inspite of making billions off the mines.
This does not go un noticed by usac. Ndm is scrapping with them. Tko has no permit. What happens in near future is a guessing game.
I am just standing pat.
Comment by
nofluff on Mar 29, 2021 7:31pm
So alaska is complsining about bc nw mines spilling into ak rivers. Have no idea if it is an issue. But, I can c why it would b a concern. Flor should go. But a point could b made 1rst. nf
Comment by
nofluff on Mar 29, 2021 9:29pm
So teck pleaded guilty and cut a couple ofc30 million dollar checks and promised again to clean up there act. All is now well. nf
Comment by
2024golden on Mar 30, 2021 12:02pm
Tech has to be the worst on enviro....and that will be why there is very little trust for any new mine!!