Post by
PieEconomics on Dec 24, 2022 6:57pm
A giveaway agreement, and soon an equity raise?
Why didn't they ask the shareholders? If funding were a little short, a rolling start would have been preferable. At least wait for the permit to come in before even considering an equity raise; with all the delay, the company will probably have enough cash on hand. Talking about a raise in advance depresses the very stock price that is used for pricing a financing! And... do they really think they will have trouble finding buyers of pure copper?
Comment by
JCSunsfan on Dec 26, 2022 4:32pm
Didn@t they sell 20% of Gib as well somewhere along the line. @There is a reason that 20% of the production of Gib goes to someone else.
Comment by
profittaker1 on Dec 27, 2022 5:56pm
Not sure I will keep reading posts here if everyone is complaining about an equity raise that hasn't happened. Let's stick to the facts. P.S. my options are up 30% in just a few weeks. Options market certainly thinks the stocks going to run. Guess it's your right to keep complaining if you want to but TGB/TKO is rising as other stocks hit 12 month lows on tax loss selling. Good luck!
Comment by
nofluff on Dec 28, 2022 11:54am
may do a small financing. I believe the interview said equity financing. nf
Comment by
nofluff on Dec 28, 2022 12:02pm
I know u reasoned that it is imaterial to value as it has not yet happened. That would be like sitting on the beach and the loud speaker says that there has been a large earthquake 100 k off shore and a suname could be on its way. You say I will wait until it happens to do my evaluation. Mean time I am staying right here. Thanks for your thoughts. nf
Comment by
profittaker1 on Dec 28, 2022 12:04pm
No fluff, listen to it again. He didn't say that. To transcribe it, I listed to it 5 times and just did again to make sure. Let's stick to the facts.
Comment by
nofluff on Dec 28, 2022 12:38pm
Thanks pt. I stand corrected. That is what is good about these forums. When a public corp says small financing I just guess by way of equity. But that is not for sure. Last day of tax loss. If tko stays under 2.00 cad, I may buy some back in the new year. Happy guessing:)) nf
Comment by
JCSunsfan on Dec 26, 2022 4:27pm
I think it was a way of signaling equity value to a stock that is substantially undervalued. Of course that value is with an issued permit.