Post by
oilconsultant on Mar 08, 2017 3:36pm
weeble you dummie...LOL
funny, you used to pump TAO... it was once $10, now 60 cents... and when it dropped to 60 cents, you have not posted there since! embarrassed at being such a loser? guess you are...LOL
what a fool...LOL
Comment by
Weeble on Mar 08, 2017 4:16pm
Get a life. This is a TMM bullboard. FWIW, I still like and own Tag. If putting a link up to a news release or story is pumping, then yes, I am a pumper. If calling people on falsehoods or calling aliases and bashers out is pumping, then I wear the label proudly. Do you actually own TMM?
Comment by
jamore on Mar 10, 2017 1:18am
Don’t be too hard on him. There were and continue to be victims of the old Newsrtike pump and dump. Those posters created new fake ids to try and pump and recoup their losses here as they were taken by the pump and dump team that has disappeared. They are here with new fake ids for pumping.