Post by
dieter216 on Mar 22, 2017 4:13pm
Rough comparison....
Timmins, Argonaut, McEwen all recently reported their Q.4 and 2016 year results. Here's a comparison: 2016 net earnings: TMM $31.8 mill AR $ 4.3 mill MUX $21.1 mill EPS: TMM .09c/share AR .03c/ " MUX .07c/ " P/E: TMM 6 x AR 83 x MUX 60 x Full Year cash cost/oz TMM $853/oz AR $938/oz MUX $955/oz Sooooo this begs the question, why is TMM so over looked / undervalued??
Comment by
tankumo on Mar 26, 2017 12:07pm
Also, I just heard Jeff Christian from CPM group saying that POG is on long term ascend starting 2nd half of this year, he seldom gets so bullish, he is usually right, and that is good news for all gold stocks.
Comment by
dieter216 on Mar 27, 2017 11:26am
Thanks Mr.B Good post...good comments! Lets hope our new CEO gets it right. I'd also be curious to hear if they continue to drill the potential Satellite deposits north of San Francisco pit where in Feb 2015 they announced results of 33.85M of 1.29 g/t and 10.2M of 5.52 g/t. Potential for a secondary pit north of San Francisco would also be great news....