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Bullboard - Stock Discussion Forum TELESTA THERAPEUTICS INC T.TST

"Telesta Therapeutics Inc is a biopharmaceutical company. The Company is engaged in the research, development, manufacturing and commercialization of human health products and technologies."

TSX:TST - Post Discussion

Post by HighteawithIntrepid on Dec 24, 2014 6:05pm

DS2 Can you say Nano cap


I was being kind we're actually a micro cap and
in the US a nano cap as our market capitalization is 
minuscule. It is based on where we are not what is 
on your Christmas wish list for it to be.

if you don't like what I say put me on your ignore list.
that is where RB is on mine.

Comment by DamnYankees on Dec 24, 2014 6:32pm
HT , are you paid to suggest, imply and reinforce the idea the idea that TST is fairly valued at 20 cents. It is not the fault of shareholders that the management has failed horribly at establishing value it the MCNA asset. you suggesting that the asset is properly valued only serves to defend this failure. Are you paid by someone to do so? Does this help subsidize the treatment for your phony ...more  
Comment by HighteawithIntrepid on Dec 24, 2014 6:48pm
DS2 some one has to be on the other side of your buy buy buy message and I have broad  sholders to take your insults. waiting for the next press release from Santa HT
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