Post by
ragingbull1327 on Oct 27, 2015 1:08pm
They don't know why we aren't growing any more....
I could give you three things that would make this economy grow faster than any economy has ever grown in the history of mankind, and I could essentially make it happen overnight. You should also know how to make this happen. The people in power don't have an Effin clue, and I have to listen to Janet Yellen and her cronies differ on what they think they should do about interest rates. Holy F. Why don't you just come up with the IN YOUR FACE answer of how to make your economy explode with rapid growth, instead of trying to coming up with answers from Bretton Woods or maybe your 1970's economics textbooks that obviously don't work anymore.
Maybe the problem they're facing is that they CANT SELL SOMEONE ON THE AMERICAN DREAM anymore, when you see someone like Donald Trump with 10 billion, an awful hairdo, and having zero fun. WHO is going to work their azz off for that? No one