Post by
txbioinv on Nov 20, 2015 1:59pm
My TST inquiry and Telesta Response..typed.verbatim part 1
Good Afternoon Donald, I sit here today in West Texas pondering my next move as not only an investor but an advocate for cancer for cancer patients; Yesterday was nothing but a clusterf*ck by the assembled panel and a** railroading by one Doctor in particular. If you only knew what we used to do to individuals like him, who 'played stupid', in the US Army. I have elected to draft and mail, a professional letter of objection regarding yesterdays Adcom, with an online petition to the FDA Commissioners office and her designated people who run the oncology offices, panels, etc. The letter and online petition will be copied to First Lady Michelle Obama, Texas Senators/Representatives and Congressional chairs with FDA oversight. Mainly, I am writing his message to you and Dr. Berendt as a courtesy. If either of you should object to my near future actions, please address to me at your earliest convenience. I will not stand and let go by what transpired yesterday. As my old boss Jim (son of the possibly greatest Notre Dame Irish Football Coach of all time - Frank Leahy) once told me about these situations, "This was no better than a goat f*cking contest at the local county fair". I appreciate your time and consideration. signed...........with my number
Comment by
ragingbull1327 on Nov 20, 2015 2:05pm
That does sound an awful lot like something Jim Leahy would say, I'll give you that. TPB??
Comment by
ragingbull1327 on Nov 20, 2015 2:07pm
I agree with your overall point I suppose. At least you started with "Good Afternoon". lol
Comment by
ragingbull1327 on Nov 20, 2015 2:35pm
I assume by the complete stall in volume, everyone on here has an average share price lower than the current price. Looks like they're going to have to go significantly lower than this to shake any more "leaves"