Post by
thathurt on Nov 20, 2015 3:51pm
some more interesting commentary from Adcom:
...and FYI i was actually very surprised at the vote result
so here is Bartlett (i believe) speaking to Q 4 proposed indication:
"extremely similar to BCG and in some ways better than BCG, then MOA is likely like BCG so is it better than BCG.."
comments on Q5 were similarly marginally positive
... and then boom on the vote he was a no vote and then going again way off board he states it could be a useful alt to BCG...BCG is 1st line, MCNA is 2nd line MCNA is not an alternative to BCG and Bartlett i had down as a bladder cancer guy...his comments were simply baffling
... and i suspect this bafflement is what both TST and the FDA see
Comment by
DamnYankees on Nov 20, 2015 3:59pm
Hurt, you are a smart fellow. Can you tell me the last drug that was rejected by Adcomm where the active practioners in the field of expertise (in this case Urologists) and application for said drug were outvoted by the balance of the panel? Funny that is. Hunch says it is a very short list.
Comment by
ragingbull1327 on Nov 20, 2015 4:41pm
I bet if someone put up a lot of 20 million shares all at 30 cents, they'd be gone in a heartbeat. It doesn't go up because there is no reason for it to go up. Not enough shares to steal for the cost. Simple math.
Comment by
ragingbull1327 on Nov 20, 2015 4:43pm
If people were selling, you would get your spikes. Since the only thing people are doing is holding (as indicated by the poor volume on such a news release would indicate), there's nothing to do but just hover and wait for the next catalyst to scare the chit out of whoever is left. The people that remain after that are the ones on the boat when she sails. Iceberg?
Comment by
ragingbull1327 on Nov 20, 2015 5:58pm
The hippocracy between what is and what isn't available to the public is enough to blow the hair right off your head. Is there a definitive negative correlation between higher education and common sense?
Comment by
ragingbull1327 on Nov 20, 2015 6:00pm
I guess if they have more cancer triggers, they'll make heftier profits on the treatments. That's actually a sinister thought. What if Philip Morris or Altria own Healthcare too? lol. Sinister win-win