Post by
IWillRetireSoon on Feb 03, 2016 10:46am
Bagholder: old term from the days of the Boilerroom investment scams. Shares in Moosepasture mine were sold to novice investors who failed to fully investigate their investment. Share price was manipulated by the boileroom boys and "investors" were sold more shares. Boileroom eventually sold all shares to the investor "BAGHOLDERS" who were left owning worthless moosepasture, the bag which is now empty. Unless you are running a scam, you should not be calling investors "bagholders". Long Term value investor: Finds silver linings in devalued stocks and holds position until the rest of the world catches up. All of the world's best investors are of this type. Hunkers down in bad times and does not follow emotion in investments. Not all their picks work out, but in general this is the most successful investing model. Mistakenly called "bagholders" by others. Day Traders/Short term traders: I am aware that they can be successful. Yet I am aware of zero success stories. I relate this to the casinos - yes winners do clean up, but the house knows the odds; the longer you play the more the house wins. Long term prospects: can you really guess correctly on a vast majority of your investments over a long period of time? Short Sellers: Vermin. Yet they do get the cheese every once in a while. Pure gambling as I see it. Casino rules! Call me names if you want, but it is in your own best interest to invest with your brain and not your emotion. NowRetired.
Comment by
thathurt on Feb 03, 2016 11:11am
so retired gets all bagholder cranky by being branded a bagholder, yet the bagholder retired is all excited to smear those who believe CEO and COO failed as so should be replaced as "vengence seekers"...only a bagholder or a huckster from a boilerroom would attempt to smear with vengence...that is vey funny retired you are truly a bagholder