Post by
marketsense on Sep 16, 2022 3:06pm
To perk up on a very bad day for oil is actually quite impressive. Same goes for
HWX which is also up on a bad day. Looks like the market is starting to take notice
of the Clearwater play and is ignoring all the negativity in the general markets.
I stated in a previous post that I hoped their acquisition wouldn't blow up in their face
and maybe it could just turn out to be a brilliant move on their part. They took a huge
risk where most would not so they deserve a lot of credit if it pays off.
Comment by
Mr.Nugget on Sep 16, 2022 3:12pm
The one green day and you're jumping for joy! Bahahahha. You are sadly mistaken. Going under $4.00 and heading to $3.50!