Post by
undervalue on Nov 04, 2021 3:00pm
NGCOA numbers updated to end of Sept.
Results for Ontario match the Clublink number, plus 14% for the year to date.
Nationally, the YTD Revenue results remain more than 20% above the prior year, with double-digit growth seen in all regions of the country. Both Atlantic Canada and British Columbia are showing strong YTD growth of more than 30% followed by the Prairies and Quebec at more than 20%. This is mainly due to early season increases in Rounds Played and the re-opening of Atlantic accommodations. YTD transaction numbers remain 12.5% ahead of 2020 levels.
Comment by
undervalue on Dec 31, 2021 10:04am
These numbers are generated from credit and debit card receipts. They come directly from the processing companies. In terms of transactions they report the number. I believe number of transactions were up around 11 percent. So, price increases are in the mix.
Comment by
carbide on Jan 01, 2022 7:44pm
I guess my point is that there has been a massive currency devaluation, 25% in the last couple years, with all the deficit spending. So if you're raising prices 10% you may just be treading water, relative to costs.