Post by
undervalue on Sep 05, 2023 11:33am
Greenbelt politics.
There is a lot too further understand about the Greenbelt issues.
With Minister Clark's veto now gone. Perhaps Glen Abbey can be re tabled.
A lot is being made regarding proximity to services. TWC has numerous courses in urban areas, whithin Greenbelt designations.
Politically, golf courses are not farms.
This will be a great opportunity to put forward various courses for consideration.
Milton is looking at this rezoning today.
It is diagonal to the Rattlesnake property. Northwest corner of Britannia and Highway 25.
What is note worthy is the density. 12 to 15 floors, just under 1800 units.
Owner: Mattamy (Milton West) Limited. 3300 Bloor Street W, Unit 1800, Toronto, ON. Applicant: Mattamy Homes., 3300 Bloor Street W, Unit 1800, Toronto, ON Location/Description: The subject lands are in located in Ward 4, northwest of the Britannia Road and Regional Road No. 25 intersection and are designated Major Node Area in the Boyne Survey Secondary Plan. The lands are bisected by Etheridge Avenue, thereby creating two parcels of land. The lands are bounded by a creek corridor along the west property line and a creek corridor and stormwater management pond to the north. Britannia Road and Regional Road No. 25 form the southern and eastern boundaries of the site. Future residential lands are located on the east side of Regional Road No. 25. The lands subject to the application also include the existing residential parcel known municipally as 6110 Regional Road 25. The Owner has submitted authorization to the Town to permit the applicant to include the lands in the Zoning By-law Amendment application. The legal description is Part of Lot 6, Concession 2, in the former Geographic Survey of Trafalgar, Town of Milton, Regional Municipality of Halton. The location of the parcels are illustrated in Figure 1 attached to this Report. The southern block is vacant and the northern block contains the Mattamy builder compound and an existing residential property. Proposal: The application for a Zoning By-law amendment seeks to amend the Town’s Comprehensive Zoning By-law from the existing Future Development (FD) Zone to a site-specific Mixed Use (MU*___) Zone to permit a development with eight 12 to 15 storey apartment buildings, with ground floor commercial. The buildings are proposed to contain 1,768 residential units and 929 square metres (approximately 10,000 square feet) of ground floor commercial uses. Figures 2, 3 and 4 to this Report includes the proposed site plan. Figure 5 to this Report includes an architectural rendering of the proposed buildings. The following revised reports have been submitted in support of this application: