Comment by
Margin321 on Aug 12, 2022 10:04am
If I remember there were posts in mid-July saying that Coho coming on line would not move share price because it was too small, only 8-10 mmcf/day. That was incorrect. And Coho is still only close to being on line. Imagine when Cascadura is churning out 200 mmcf/day and 6,000 barrels of liquids. That is already discovered. Just needs to be plugged in.
Comment by
Kadiddelhopper on Aug 12, 2022 10:17am
Market confirmation on TXP's trajectory as of recent ...still a tough audience out there, Imagine when COHO on flow, and Cascadura is set for ignition by the EMA Authorizations.
Comment by
Davidblackgreen on Aug 16, 2022 3:01pm
A bit of turbulence as recycling happens at the £1 U.K. mark followed by relentless selling in Canada. Most odd, why is a Canadian company so out of favour on Bay Street?