Comment by
b4545 on May 15, 2012 2:48pm
i bought at 8.57 and sold at 9.24. Waiting for mid summer lows to buy again. gl
Comment by
b4545 on Jun 04, 2012 8:35am
oops, I see my last post was on the wrong board. Not sure how that happened. Sorry about that. As for this board, I love the VXX. Bought in when Berman on BNN suggested it as a sumer play against the go away in May drop. In at 18.56 and again at 15.84. holding now till late summer. Thanks for the tip Mr. B. glta
Comment by
skydiver069 on Jul 15, 2012 12:16pm
Just decided to look at the chart for VXX today, after it was mentioned on a mailout from Anyway, I see that the chart is on a downwards trend right now. Need to do some research into how exactly this stock works, and what its fundementals consist of. Anyone care to give me a quick overview - or point me to a post/site that covers this? Thanks. Sky
Comment by
shane117 on Jul 17, 2012 11:06am
Is it better to own VXX on the TSX or the NYSE? Or does it not make a difference? When they both increase or decrease do they go up and down relitively the same percentages? Or can I make more from the VXX NYSE?