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TheProphetElijah on Mar 29, 2022 9:08am
Wonder if Star will be wrong again today, just thinking out loud.
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Starsearcher80 on Mar 29, 2022 10:30am
Too funny. The Clowns try and suggest they've got it goin' on, on a fluff bump in the stock over a 1 week period that has already lost steam (and about 10% of the gain. Meanwhile, they've lost almost 90% over the past year. Well done my little Clowns! ;)
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Homestretch4me on Mar 29, 2022 10:58am
It's gone green again. Get back under your rock cockroach. We'll let you know if it goes red so you can come out and be a brave little cockroach again.
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Starsearcher80 on Mar 29, 2022 11:39am
So tell us Homestench. How does it feel being down almost 90% over the past year, with no one else to blame except yourself? You must be so proud of your market accumen. :)
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Homestretch4me on Mar 29, 2022 12:01pm
First of all, who is this "us" you speak of??? You have no friends here. You are an island on this board. You remind me of Tom Hanks in the movie Castaway. Instead of talking to a volleyball, you create aliases to talk to. So sad.
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Doubleeagles on Mar 29, 2022 11:39am
This Clown has accumulated a nice bucket of shares during the downturn :) and has never waivered on the belief Canopy in time will be the shinning star in the cannabis space. Patience little student the big clowns know what they own.