Post by
Homestretch4me on May 18, 2022 9:26am
Canopy USA
Funny this doesn't seem like the actions of a company that is in trouble.
Maybe Canopy and Constellation know a little more than Starcrapper and the rest of the chicken little crew.
Comment by
Cmc888 on May 18, 2022 9:36am
lol. Exactly. Good news!! Legalization will happen in the not so distant future. They have insiders that know these things I guarantee it. Wouldn't be buying more if they weren't sure. Those dummies will be gone one. Or until they switch teams and become cheerleader again. USA legalization had to come. Might as well start calling moderates conservatives based on their weed views alone....
Comment by
yp01048 on May 18, 2022 9:49am
"the right to acquire, upon federal permissibility of THC in the U.S. or earlier at Canopy Growth's election, up to 100% of the outstanding capital stock of Jetty" or earlier! Probably as soon as Safe is passed!
Comment by
Rotaluceps on May 18, 2022 9:13pm
So why the deal, if fed legalised, is not done with an already profitable company instead of an EBITDA one in the competive overtax California market? Look at the CGC revenue, it is so obvious how in bad shape is the company.