Post by
dart321 on May 09, 2024 1:42pm
Down The Road
when the feds legalize pot this stock and many other pot stocks will explode. It's all a question of when. We see they are putting more pieces in place so when it happens it's out of the ball park and the over exuberant speculation will happen to push the share price into the stratosphere before it settles back to reality which in my opinion will likely be over a hundred bucks a share. The question is how long will it take to pass legislation? That is what I am waiting for.
Comment by
BrokerG on May 09, 2024 1:50pm
I agree dart. That is why I recommended earlier to buy some in your retirement account and wait a few years. I think you will be rewarded. You can trade whatever is left, considering it will be volatile over the next few years.
Comment by
dart321 on May 09, 2024 1:56pm
I bought and sold when this thing was bouncing around 3 to 5 bucks, bought and sold over and over again each time keeping shares after I covered my initial investment. Been able to accumulate a rather large chunk of paper at zero cost to me. Now I sit and wait and wait and wait lol, it will happen it's all about time now nothing else.
Comment by
charlie007 on May 09, 2024 9:30pm
suppose safe happens but it doesn't become federally legal. Will they still be able to complete the wana deal and operate in the states like the other mso's?