Post by
geodcan on Jan 06, 2025 1:56pm
How hard is Jorgeson going to slop at the trough
given that CUSA is the dominant offspring of all things Canopy plus Acreage and those premium brands vended in to this mysterious, private??? holding company after the dastardly reverse splits inflicted on bewildered long term shareholders.
I know that Canopy is a leading pot company in the world, initially as a progressive new hope launch for legal marijuana and now as the most rapid value decliner of Canadian LPs of prominence.
I have been a long term shareholder of Canopy with my initial entry being Bedrocan which was amongst the first to be bought under that crazy dreamer, Bruce Linton's umbrella company striving for world leadership.
Under Linton this was accomplished and shareholders were very happy.
Constellation's initial investment of $5 billion was crazy to dip their toe into cannabis business and the turnaround in sentiment towards their investment was doublequick as they joined forces to deflate unearned values in the whole marijuana market.
That $5 billion put Canopy on the map and I am sure Acreage went to school on Canopy's growth phenomena as a natural progression for rapid initialization of a leading US MSO.
Acreage rapidly built a US MSO and cooked a deal with Canopy to enter the US marketplace, originally estimated at over $4 billion but under Constellation's shrewd management influence revisitied and negotiated down to meager millions because the whole pot market was in decline, over-valued and Constellation always negotiated a way out of a deal being a deal.
Merging Canopy and Acreage had a subject to of some form of legal bill being adopted by the US to allow this kind of merger.
Since Constellation's appearance in the pot business, it seems that, they have worked hard to depreciate the shareprice of all of their marijuana and hemp interests.
While doing this they continued to pick up brands and other interests with intentions of putting down a footprint in the US market and always with a way out or a renegotiation of their outlay.
Klein of all people should understand that underperformance should necessitate a revisitation of the terms so maybe his dismal performance for shareholders of Canopy and Acreage, both almost destroyed of value once held and both on the critical list to reduce his $40 million renumeration to a price more commensurate with his performance.
I have mentioned before that I believe the decline of value of Canopy and Acreage couldn't have happened without Constellation's influence and business deals that seemed designed to help tank the synergies of conjoining these in an untryed deal to merge the leading Canadian LP with a US MSO.
How far can they beat this company down and bring it back to life.
The reverse splits that I have been inflicted with on several of my pot investments seem to be specific to the new management types that came with the rapid influx of potpreneurs.
I have grave concerns that the investment community needs change to the Securities act to outlaw shortsales and the even more dastardly effects of reverse split share consolidations that just allow the sharks to come back to make longterm retail shareholder's value dissappear forever.
The lack of integrity of these management types is going to destroy this essential form of financing for the less qualified entrpreneurs.
These insider assaults are sprung on shareholders, usually without much fanfare or notification and everyone that I have had happen to me has never benefited me.
Short sales are big money buying the pot, because they can and reverse splits are just a precognition of failing managment who don't have a better businessplan. When they seem to quit backing shareholders is the first sign because shareholders always should be put first. Shareholders get lulled in to sleeping with their assasins.
I thought I had a pretty good handle on my intial investments but they have morphed in to strange, one-sided deals with complicated, forward looking clauses that can make a deal, not a deal, such that values can be revisited at the whim of the dealmakers, without consideration of honest first in shareholders who financed the company to the value of something to steal or by conversion, re-assign the value to big money players and marketmakers.
Any penalties levied on companies and banks and such aren't heavy enough to deter this kind of chicanery to the point it has become business as usual.
It cause justice seekers to do what that NY guy did to the CEO of the health company which was a hard lead penalty.
I am still on the fence about that as being too harsh, but haven't let go of the concept as justice for the crime.
glta and dyodd