Post by
geodcan on Jan 09, 2025 4:14pm
Huge multi-bagger potential !!!
Not this pos.
Cannabix BLO 30% uptick today on a nr for a THC or HD9 breathalyzer plus a BAC unit and a couple of other things in the works.
Back in the day when the blood alcohol units showed up on the scene a company called Lifeloc jumped up to almost $40 per share for the booze breathalyzer.
Lifeloc got an 18% uptick and still trades at $3 plus US for what?, I don't know!
I can see the same thing happening for a pot breathalyzer when it can pass muster.
Canopy might be a play for investors getting in now but since STZ took the reigns they have conived the shareholders out of the upside value with reverse splits and stupid investments leaving this perrilously close to bankruptcy.
A long shot short squeeze for Canopy shares could be a moneymaker at current prices.