Post by
Heywood_Silvers on Jun 28, 2022 10:37am
What we have here is a failure to communicate.......
the true picture to interested parties. I totally understand the disappointment with the lackluster reaction to the FS. Maybe the F should be changed to a B.....but I digress.
We have effectively the same old, ultra-conservative, outdated data that the PEA churned out. This is akin to GM back in the '80s recycling the car from last year, slapping the new year sticker on it and advertising it as "new and improved".
The problem isn't the goods, it is the message and the messenger. Garbage, that is really all this FS is in my view. Well Paul, have fun marketing this, your superiors have hobbled you somewhat by not giving you the proper marketing materials and I somewhat doubt you have the skills to think outside the box that you've been placed into. Or, maybe he shot himself in the foot, he is the CEO, no? Does the BoD really micro manage him that much?
One silver lining to all this is that it is a foregone conclusion that you'll easily be able to scoop up shares close to a dollar by the time the dust settles on this. But, hey, don't let me stop all those enamored by the FS from shelling out $1.60 at today's prices.
I still believe that gold will bail us out and that Casino will sell for double digits. We will have our payday despite our inept management, not because of them.
Comment by
Sooner on Jun 28, 2022 2:36pm
Ummm - No ...the worst is much lower than $6 usd...if it takes 5 years and we continue burning cash and further dilution ....
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IvanRo on Jun 28, 2022 4:32pm
You need to listen to the PWSs video again... but in summary PWS went to his Geo's and asked them what do you want to do knowing that this is potentially the last drilling season, they said the anomaly and they agreed it with RIO etc. So effectively, may not influence RIOs decision to buy WRN but they definitely were involved in the decision making for the drilling...
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GardenManman on Jun 28, 2022 4:40pm
as Even Steve guess, more deeper more copper lie there, so normally the idea was ignited from copper producer, such as Rio, NEM is gold producer. Anyway, more drilling more delay, more dlitution, less return and uncertainty.
Comment by
RRS2626 on Jun 28, 2022 2:49pm
Agree. Hopefully that will not occur but a $6 share price is 4Xs the current price (US). I have not looked to see what the institutional holders such as Fidelity have been doing. They have a team of researchers who speaking for myself have a lot more information than I do about share price projections.
Comment by
jclarke042 on Jun 28, 2022 1:45pm
Another silver lining is no more conferences on the calendar. Let's spend some time trying to actually sell this vs giving the same webinar a thousand times.