Post by
EvenSteven27 on Nov 26, 2022 7:03pm
Math...Am I too simple-minded here?
casino 1.43 billion t reserves and growing
trq 4.4 billion t reserves (fully explored)
trq is currently 2.9 times larger
trq is offered 43 per share
that puts us at 14.30 conservative
where am i so wrong?
Comment by
jclarke042 on Nov 26, 2022 7:12pm
You know the answers. Elaborate for us. We have very little else to talk about the the next 51 weeks. Just include NAVs (or revenue in TRQs case) and market caps. Dollars per share is a useless comparison metric.
Comment by
Sooner on Nov 26, 2022 8:19pm
OT 2020 FS had $10B usd NPV at $3 copper. At current spot more like $15B realizing probably lots of inflation in let's assume $13B or $4.3B usd Or $5.8B cad. So they offered $3.3B/$5.8B = 57% NPV. So that would be right at $1B usd for casino or right at $6 usd... where have I seen that $6 usd before??? I seem to recall it somewhere before but it's been a long time...
Comment by
MetalMinded on Nov 26, 2022 9:55pm
They offered that for 49% of half. Govt owns half. Rio is buying 49% of half.
Comment by
Sooner on Nov 26, 2022 10:09pm
pretty sure govt owns 1/3 and TRQ owns 2/3...of which Rio owns 1/2 of TRQ so it's 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 Mongolia, Rio, TRQ. They offered $3.3B cad for TRQ share (1/3).
Comment by
yureja42 on Nov 27, 2022 12:26am
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MetalMinded on Nov 26, 2022 10:37pm
You are correct, my mistake Sooner. Mongolia owns 34%. So Rio is essentially buying 1/3 of the asset they don't own but can buy.