Knew something was coming,, it was just a matter Of Time !
Listening to the conference call when Paul was asked, was “Rio aware of Mitsubishi Materials interest in Casino”, “or this deal”,, Pauls answer was “no”
I think this deal puts WRN in play !
This will push Rio into making some kind of decision near term on a buy out.
“”Mitsubishi Materials has agreed to acquire that number of common shares of the Company””
“”In connection with the strategic investment by Mitsubishi Materials, the Company and Mitsubishi Materials will enter into an investor rights agreement””
“”Assuming Rio Tinto elects to exercise its participation right in full”” ??
More interest in Casino then just Mitsubishi Materials,, maybe another interested party ???
This will push Rio to act soon ! IMHO
Stay tuned, this will be my 6th buyout and my last !