Mj stocks have taken a beating this fall with many of them posting all time lows as some teeter on the brink of full failure.
After a promising open this morning the
mood across the Mj board has once again turned sour as the market attempts to cleanse the space.
HEXO, once again stands out as the market's favourite whipping dog. The fall out from a flawed attempt to buy market share through M&A followed by the shuttering of freshly acquired facilities along with an admission of under funded operations with market share in fact dropping. Oh, and a CEO that bailed with a $30million golden parachute?!? Can you say, 'klustorfuk'!
OGI on the other hand stands out as a positive in the Mj space today with the release of their Q4/FY-2021. A lot of numbers similar to Auxly there as these two entities claw elbow to elbow and shoulder to shoulder in an ascent of the Market Share ladder. I see a bit of rivalry developing here. What fun...!! Yay!!
There are a few that are hitting rock bottom but my pick for worst news of the week is EMH.c as it falls into the abyss created by the quagmire of shyte engulfing the former CEO, Avtar Dhillon. Maybe Auxly should scoop up their Verdelite facility in Quebec. That would help a few folks by saving their jobs and open a door to Quebec for Auxly. That's what I call a WIN!! WIN!! For the WIN!!!
yeah, it's a pipe dream but that's what Mj is all about! lol
Hold tight mates!