Instead of complaining about how bad the market is Peter should be reaching out to local media, social media, Governors, influencers & investors.. telling them he has a solution that could prevent kids from dying...
what would just 1 freakin interview on msnbc, fox, cbs do?? Just freakin 1 interview??!!
Heck even Cronin did one!!
If you don't want to do broad full budget campaigns and ads fine.. they are expensive.. totally understand that..
but after these attacks on school children and hospital staff .. if he cannot devise a strategy to make a laser focused campaign to raise awareness to get Patriot One Technologies solution to the forefront of the national conversation as the best weapons detection ...
then its a missed opportunity for everyone.... and a dereliction in my personal opinion..
the little love letter he wrote to schools was nice....who read it?
Who did it reach? Did you do everything to get this thing out on a broad scale??
or did you just post it on Facebook for about 20 likes??
why aren't you on Ted talks, Joe Rogan, Bill Mahar ect.... these things don't cost money..
these tragedies are constantly crying out for a real solution... and it's like we are just sitting here hiding in the freakin corner afraid that something might actually take off..
how many times are you going to not make the most of these opportunities??
you keep chasing small fish while freakin whales of opportunity to grow this company pass you bye..
Think laterally.. look at Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos ect.
those guys not only had world changing solutions.. but they went out and MADE THE WORLD PAY ATTENTION..they took full advantage of every relevant situation to grow the business and brand and continue to do so..
this shy little nerd stuff has to stop.. grow a pair get out there step into the limelight and take these moments by the BALLS Peter!!
This lame outdated antique approach is getting OLDER and less inspiring by the millisecond..smh
this entire post is my personal opinion.. do your own due diligence.