Post by
cfliesser on Feb 06, 2023 11:21am
Q4 production
Based on reserve report #s for avg prod and previous prod,
Q4 production should be 11,721 BOE
I am optimistic about Feb production with those new 6 wells.
Just wondering how Jan was aroudn 12k withotu new wells, maybe they rounded up...
Comment by
fullyautomatic on Feb 06, 2023 2:21pm
Kav- good point. I think they may already have some of the ERF land. I noticed a licenses on 040-09W5 sections 2 and 11 aren't shown on presenation website as YGR lands... These are really good locations. Gurdeep told me they don't want the rig too far west during breakup, so these might be the drillied in Q2? I get the sense we will be at 13k early in the year too.
Comment by
Flush11 on Feb 06, 2023 3:33pm
did anyone see the cost of the facility expansion and the new facility they are putting in? There should be lots of production momentum this year. too bad gas prices are crappy. weather.........