Spos while I may not be optimistic on cardium companies stock prices I am very optimistic on the volume of strategic deals that will be done in cardium, now - to next six months. The current land ownership isn't going to work with the upcoming commodity price enviro unless changes happen. 2019 proved this, all cardium companies struggled it's not going to work in current form.
'if zero deals happen my price targets may be too high for some my mid march.
Pretend you are ceo of Yangarra for the day?
what is one of the easiest low hanging fruit grab to increase cash flow?
well I would assume ygr filling their gas plants to 100 capacity would average high effiency and buying production is fastest and probably cheapest way and ng assets should be bought at low of cycle.
Lots of ng wells near Yangarra that are non core to owners like Taqa stuff or cenovus or cnq it's a waste of time for big players to mess around with such small production.
ygr is in probably good position to buy and have opportunities. Even orlens Ferrier stuff is non core to them imo. Only core competition is Petrus for deals.
I think aeco over 3 it makes sense to buy cardium land for drills locations but sub 2.50 or 2...I think buying current ng production in cardium is better move.
as how can property values be high.
Taqa for example has already drained 60 percent of oil from the Ferrier wells reserves..if Taqa ever sold this well how could they really ask for much?
'but those couple year taqa wells would still have plenty of ng reserves.
this is direction I see ygr going. Lots of tuck ins to fill plant and be bigger. Could even be why news is so quiet