Post by
algrove on Sep 29, 2009 9:44pm
It seems only Sprott will be exercising ie only 10
If I understand the NR correctly, it seems only Sprott was willing to exercise its warrants ie only 10 million warrants = $1.25 million. This could leave YNG in a cash squeeze unless they get the consent decree pretty fast. There are 24 hours to go under the offer. Let's hope they can convince some other large holders to exercise during that time. Even though I do not like the dilution, it will keep the company in business.
Comment by
talkswitch on Sep 30, 2009 8:49am
only 24 hours to go under the offer. , it seems to be a deal for Sprott .
Comment by
aristoenigma on Sep 30, 2009 11:21am
Sprott is getting a great deal. They are in the catbird seat. They know gold has a shot at $2000 and ounce and if some forecasters are right, $5000 an ounce. A lot of existing shareholders would pony up on a deal like this if there had been the mechanism in place to do it. The horse is about to leave the gate imho.