Post by
Iceshaver on Apr 26, 2010 2:36am
Shareholder YNG Plan
This is for you Richard. I was urged by people on my inbox to post this, people who will not post on our forum because of the "nastiness". I keep telling them it's all good, clean, fun. This is what I would do. Get rid of the deadwood at the top, keep a CEO,COO, and CFO, immediately stop the cronyism granting of undeserved stock options, and reduce the BOD to 3 persons. The suits in Vancouver are a huge capital drain on YNG cash., and none of these people add 1 dollar to the YNG pot. Go to the roots , the mines and the mill, where YNG dollars are really made. Offer the miners and the millworkers a lucrative, incentive bonus of YNG stock options, no cash, if they meet a production goal of at least 150,000 ozs au safely in the first year. Bonuses would be based on the a workers area of responsibility, but they should all get one. Adjust that incentive bonus for them for every 25 percent or more increase in production for each following year, no increase or any decrease in production, no bonus. This would serve 2 purposes, it would reward production performance, and give the workers a vested interest in the company, they would in effect be working for themselves. Once YNG reaches a predetermined production goal, do a 5 to 1 reverse stock split to get our total outstanding shares down to a reasonable level. I have thought about this for some time. This may not be perfect, but at least it's different. You see Richard, I will cirticize, but I do think constructively too. This may be impertinent to some, but I am not a blind follower. Goodnight all. JMHO ICE