Post by
Iceshaver on Nov 16, 2010 11:48pm
Just back from an extended business trip, came back to the SOS. The 3rd qtr results are nothing new for the suckers, oops, I mean investors who know the history of YNG. . And it's the SOS from our resident YNG mouthpiece, pumper. He did inject some humor though, talking about "battle scars" He must have fallen off the potty to get those battle scars because he sure didn't get them in a "Battle"., Typical for a "Peacetime Mouthfighter" . By the way ,SOS is" Same Old Ship", For those suckers, I mean investors, who are not familiar with YNG, here's a history lesson. YNG has had fifteen (15) consecutive negative , money losing, quarters , That's right, YNG has NEVER reported a positive,moneymaking , quarter. In those (15) quarters, YNG has lost a total of about 244million dollars, that's lost $244,000,000.00, and that does include the latest 2010, 3rd qtr loss. You would never guess that when you read the mouthpiece, pumper posts. Remember, Jerrit Canyon has been heavily mined since 1981, and is just about mined out.. The last time an operator reported a positive, money making qtr, in Jerrit Canyon was the 2nd qtr, 2006, when Queenstake reported making a PROFIT? of a whopping $731,000.00, seven hundred and thirty one thousand dollars. Soon after that , Queenstake was on the verge of bankruptcy when YNG took over, And YNG has continued the Queenstake downslide. Go to the TSX, OTC website and go to YNG.. The TSX, OTC still says, "YNG IS AN UNPROFITABLE COMPANY" But don't give up, the Pollyannas will cheer you up with their fairytales. Cheers boys. JMHO ICE