Post by
bogfit on Feb 17, 2021 2:17pm
What is certainly true, is that gold will be over-bought and
will correct without any material change in market valuation due entirely to the knee-jerk proactive reaction to moves in POG. As without any basis in reality what so ever.
To the long-term holder this makes ABSOLUTELY no difference. It is inconvenient only for those speculators hoping for a quick buck, and while I'll take all of those I can get, I only trade in companies I hold in high regard. In particular the management, business plan, reserves, costs, cash flow, debt.
MARA is like an old friend having been a Wheaton river shareholder when Telfer bought out, I think it was Northern Orion for a quarter share in Alumbera. I owned shares in Desert Sun and became acquainted with Marrone at that time, and have considered him the brightest in the industry ever since.
Yamana’s move north is wise in light of potential weather events damage to mine infrastructure due to climate change. (MARA is on east side of Andes)