Post by
SamV21 on Oct 27, 2021 3:16pm
Reduvo not approved , will compete with Nabilone (teva drug)
Reduvo does not have approval and it could be June 2022 min. or May 2023 max. , no one has ever told us what it will cost to produce, is it competitive with Nabilone that has been around since 2006 ?You can be sure the system will lean towards what ever is cheaper.Qixleef has applied to be an orphan drug meaning it falls into a low demand drug ( no profit in most cases , look it up) they still have to go through all the phases to be brought to market.If you are going to pump information maybe expand on it and give it realistic time times , don't pump like it any of this will happen any time soon .Pump and dump beware !
Comment by
SamV21 on Oct 27, 2021 3:56pm
What will Reduvo cost compared to Nabilone ??? Phone Guy and ask him for us. , nice generic article from two weeks ago if you wnat to get sucked in and buy a book. Copy and paste pumping garbage