doing so well ! Lumiera and Tetra. Does it add up to you?
Anyone follow what happened to Tetra's NHP division? Something fishy perhaps.. Tetra sells its Natural Health Product division to a company owned by Tetra's CEO, Guy Chamberland. Retail investor money paid for product dev, then sells the Tetra Health to CEO's company, Mondias. Mondias renames themselves Lumiera, then sells Celext07 to another company, Biosun. Biosun just happens to be owned by, Guy Chamberland (Tetra CEO) and Andre Raincourt (former Tetra Chair). So what can we expect when CAUMZ, QIXLEEF, ARDS-003 are approved? Is Tetra Bio going to sell the DINs to a separate company owned by Guy and his friend Andre, who will in turn create a third company to buy the proprietary rights and intellectual property? Your money goes into Tetra running trials and getting drugs approved. Then they get sold to Guy and Andre's other corps, leaving Tetra investors empty and making Guy and Andre rich. Go read the Mondias, Lumiera, Biosun history for a future look at where CAUMZ and QUXLEEF will end up. Not a shorter; just a frustrated former Tetra shareholder who got tired of teh shell game.Once againshows how the Bank of Tetra Shareholder money is used and moved to Guy Private Numbered Inc . company once again leaving shareholders wondering where did all our money go ? This was posted over a year ago price was .195 at that time and was going to the moon !