Post by
Vinny57 on Dec 18, 2021 9:38pm
Two Things
First: It's you're, as in you are, and not "your". Not the first time either.
Second: What is a "looser"? It it one who is loose?
I was thinking Prof C., but now I am thinking old Trotsburger. (Prof's bootlicker).
Comment by
Ventura2020 on Dec 18, 2021 11:52pm
Sorry Bud, I would be at H60 having dinner tonight (undercover surveillance and have to eat somewhere) 15 min walk from my hotel. Bad timing, left TO yesterday after 6 days...Damn! Would have done it for sh!T's and giggles. Merry Christmas all! V
Comment by
BudFoxx2020 on Dec 19, 2021 12:02am
Haha but I am not the one at H60. You got me confused with our billionaire friend. Apparently I can not afford it, it's not for peons like me. Lol. Next time you are in town we can do H60 for sh!ts and giggles. Maybe our friend can fly us out to Naples in his private jets after. Lol.
Comment by
Ventura2020 on Dec 19, 2021 12:11am
Hahaha, I know you're not, drunk? I would never get you confused with someone else. You're at the peon Pub! Survelience on your friend...