Post by
mrmomo on Jun 21, 2023 9:44am
Triple Tag Team of Dufuses
...............of "Candy" CaneDoesAbel, AceVenturi "The Pet Dectetive and Dave "The Canary" NOT from your main attraction...... taking on the REDicuously Evil Magician THE MoMoMyster and his 100 lbs pet squirrel momocaocao. The Triple tag Teams main weapons? Spewing nonsense & 8S by continuously massively spamming the poor Tilray SH forum until fans run away from the stench by holding their noses & eventually dying of pure boredome........
*This event is brought to by our main sponsors of Jack in the Box, Budslight & Target! And of course our promoters the Ayatolla Khomeni & The consortium of United Talibans.
*P.S. .......Please report all three wrestlers above ......AKA notorious spammers to SH for the appropriate actions! If you want a normal, informative funtioning forum.......8)
Comment by
mrmomo on Jun 21, 2023 10:21am
BUMP UP.!!!.....;0 ........!!!! Report the fools folks......Give them the BudLight special treatement! Report..... Caneisabel, Ventura & DaveinCalgafy for MASSIVE spamming...... IF SH has any credibility left and THEY follow their own rules they've set, these guys will get their due penance........