Post by
quinlash on Aug 13, 2024 1:43pm
RE:RE:RE:RE:Election Year for MJ Legalization
In order for the US Fed to allow states to manage Cannabis how they see fit they will need to (at minimum) decimalize Cannabis so that those who want fully legal recreational cannabis can get stores open, tax structures worked out and have proper access to banking etc.
With over 80% of the US already having legalized in one way or another (on a state level) it only makes sense that the fed get with the times and get out of the way of what the people of the US want to see -> that being legalized cannabis.
Trump doesn’t want to lose votes, he wants to win, winning means giving the people what they want.
Comment by
DuDliedingle on Aug 13, 2024 6:12pm
A Canadian who thinks he understands American law. Oh boy. How's that tax situation changing up there.