Despite the fact that China is home to some of the world’s largest manufacturers of batteries for electric vehicles, and also has the largest populations of battery electric vehicles in the world, China has decided to phase out government subsidies for Lithium-ion battery electric vehicles and to introduce large subsidies for vehicles that are electrified with fuel cells. Since the end of June 2019 when the subsidies were scrapped, the demand for electric vehicles in China has dropped substantially. According to the China Association of Automobile Manufactures, domestic sales of battery electric vehicles dropped by 80,000 in July 2019 and have kept dropping according to the news Wall Street, lower Chinese sales was the main reason for why the month of July marked the first drop in global sales of electric vehicles since 2008.“China has tried to electrify its automotive fleet with Lithium-ion battery technology but has concluded that it is not a viable option in a country where a large part of the population lives in apartment buildings in mega-cities ,In addition to the problem of how to build enough charging stations, the Chinese have come to realize that industrial grid capacities is a bottle neck when the total proportion of battery electric vehicles becomes too high. This is a development that the West and world will experience as well and that makes hydrogen and fuel cells the only long-term viable alternative for the needed electrification of the automotive sectors future.
Hydrogen fuel cell industrial power grids only way to help cars,
Hydrogen and fuel cells are seeing a resurgence in interest: large-scale production of fuel cell vehicles has begun, and hundreds of thousands of homes are now heated and powered by fuel cells.5 A key difference since the last hydrogen “hype cycle in the 2000s is that manufacturing scale up and cost decreases mean hydrogen and fuel cells are being commercialised in several sectors, from portable electronics and large industrial to small backup power station grids,transportation ect.
This is not good for Tesla,Their cars run on the old technology of the lithium ion battery and not the future which will be hydrogen fuel cells.....will this mean Tesla will become obsolete????